Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The pair of shoes, scuffed and worn, stood sentinel at the door...

The soldier's pair of shoes were very worn from the many hot and grueling days in the hot desert. He would wear them for days and even weeks at a time.

He has owned them for seven months since being deployed to Falligua, Iraq, where he was a machine gunner on an up armored Humvee. The shoes are in need of some major repairs. They are very faded in color and the soles are close to being worn completely off

After the seven month deployment the soldier and his really worn in shoes stood at his parents door, looking sentinel while waiting for them to answer the door. After his parents opened the door, there he stood tall and embraced them with love. The shoes were never worn again after that day but never thrown away; there were way too many memories spent in those shoes.
By: Sallie

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